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Tha Dah Hser

Tha Dah Hser 2018-11-16T16:24:59+00:00

Tha Dah Hser

Tha Dah Hser

Scholarship Recipient & Human Services Student

Helping knows no boundaries for Tha Dah Hser

Tha Dah Hser is like many students at Highline College. She enjoys hanging out with friends and watching music videos. But college is extra challenging for Tha Dah since she is not a native English speaker. Originally from Thailand, she came to Seattle in 2007 at the age of 13. Learn what motivates her to stay in college. And learn about her hidden talent.

What brought you to Highline College?

I came to Highline in fall 2013 because I liked the environment. From the moment I came, I just knew that Highline would be the perfect school for me to start my education. I am studying human services and plan to transfer to a four-year university to earn a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in social work.

How did you end up in this area?

I was born in the Mae Sot district of Thailand, but my ethnicity is Karen. (The Karen people live mainly in Burma.) I came to Seattle in August 2007 as a refugee. I wanted to come to the U.S. for a better education and to have a better life. My goal is to one day go back to my country and help my people.

What do you wish you knew before coming to college?

I wish I had been born in this country because starting to speak another language at the age of 13 is not easy. To be able to compete with other students, I have to work twice as hard as them. My advice to all students is that no matter what happens, just keep on trying. Someday you will fall, but someday you will be rewarded. If I can do it, you can do it. Also, never ever forget to help one another.

Are you involved in any activities on campus?

I am president of the Burmese Student Association Club, an ambassador for the TRiO program and on the leadership team of Highline’s Honors program.

You received a scholarship from the Highline Foundation. What has that meant for you and your experience here at Highline?

Personally, it has meant a lot to me. College is really expensive. If I did not receive a scholarship, I would have to worry about finding a job while worrying about my education. As a non-native speaker, it is really hard to keep up the good work with others. If I had to work, I would not have time to be involved in school activities and help people in the community. It would be really stressful.

What would be something people would be surprised to know about you?

I am good at lip-synching both the boy and girl parts in music videos. Most of my friends are really surprised by my talent after they watch my videos.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was a child, I want to become a governor and be in government. But I also wanted to be a model. Modeling is the thing I loved to do when I was a little girl.

Which three famous people would you most like to meet?

I would like to meet Selena Gomez because she is pretty, Demi Lovato because I love her songs and Channing Tatum because he is a good looking guy and I like all of his movies.