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Programs and Services

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Programs and Services 2023-03-20T10:46:45+00:00

Discover programs and services to support you and your studies

Students from all paths come to Highline College. With such a big campus and many students, it can be a bit overwhelming. Finding a group on campus that you can relate to can give you a sense of belonging, which we know is important for keeping you in college. We have a variety of programs and services and hope that one is perfect for you. Check them out below.

Highline College Student Programs and Resources

Are you interested in enhancing your academic experience at Highline? Look into our Honors Scholar Program, which will give you the opportunity to turn college-level classes into honors courses through advanced projects that complement the standard curriculum. You will also gain personalized coaching in the college transfer process through Honors Seminar as well as help finding scholarships and financial aid for the four-year college or university that best fits your goals.
The Inter-Cultural Center in the Highline Student Union (Building 8) is an intimate lounge and resource center for students, staff and faculty. Here you will find a vibrant and safe space to explore and celebrate diversity in an educational setting. The center provides peer mentoring for students, computers for student use, a multicultural library, and a meeting place for clubs and organizations.
Are you studying in a STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and a person of color or female? If so, the MESA program can help you with a wide range of services, including academic support, professional development and advising. Check out the MESA Student Center in Building 26. You will find help with your academics and assistance planning your transfer to a four-year institution as a STEM major.
Are you a first-generation or low-income student or a student with a disability? If you are, you may qualify for a wide range of free support services through Highline’s TRiO program. This invaluable program will help you on your educational journey and transfer to a four-year college or university.
Umoja is a community dedicated to enhancing the cultural and educational experiences of African American and other students. We believe that when the voices and histories of students are deliberately and intentionally recognized, the opportunity for self-efficacy emerges and a foundation is formed for academic success.
If you are a veteran, or a survivor or dependent of a veteran, you may be eligible for veterans educational benefits. At Highline’s Veterans Services Office, you will find personal support, resources, campus and community referrals, and much more.
Women’s Programs is a safe and welcoming place for potential and current students and community members. We will help you identify, define and achieve your goals. Staff members also provide academic advising, career advising and job search assistance. If you are on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance program, we have resources for you. Classes and services are open to both men and women.
Do you participate in WorkFirst? WorkFirst funding helps with tuition and textbooks if you are looking to gain skills for a career or enhance skills to make higher wages. Find WorkFirst services through Women’s Programs.

You may qualify for funding for work-based training if you have received a layoff notice, are receiving unemployment benefits, are a veteran, or are not working for other reasons. We offer a range of funding opportunities and services through Workforce Education Services

Worker Retraining

Worker Retraining provides financial assistance and support services if you want to gain or upgrade skills to re-enter the workforce.

Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET)

If you receive benefits through the state’s Department of Social & Health Services’ Basic Food program, then you may qualify for financial help through BFET. Qualified students may receive short-term assistance for tuition, books, fees, bus passes and child care.

Opportunity Grant

The Opportunity Grant provides financial assistance for low-income students who are enrolled in the Business, Education, Healthcare, or Human Services programs.