Student Demographics (2022-23 academic year)
Total credit and non-credit students
Female Students
Male Students
Total credit students (50% of all students)
Median age of credit students
Total number of international students
Total number of Running Start students
Updated data for our LGBTQIA+ student population is currently unavailable. Highline College is working to collect this data and is committed to promoting a safe and inclusive learning environment for LGBTQIA+ students.
Race/Ethnicity of the Student Population
% | Race/Ethnicity |
26% | Black/African American |
22% | Hispanic/Latinx |
22% | White/Caucasian (Non-Hispanic) |
21% | Asian (Non-Filipino) |
4% | Filipino |
2% | Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander |
2% | Native American or Alaska Native |
(9,099 students reported race/ethnicity. 5,043 (36%) did not report.)
Race/Ethnicity of the Credit-Bearing Student Population
% | Race/Ethnicity |
25% | Black/African American |
25% | White/Caucasian (Non-Hispanic) |
21% | Asian (Non-Filipino) |
20% | Hispanic/Latinx |
5% | Filipino |
3% | Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander |
2% | Native American or Alaska Native |
(6,771 students reporting race/ethnicity. 256 (4%) did not report.)
Race/Ethnicity of the Non-Credit Student Population
% | Race/Ethnicity |
30% | Black/African American |
28% | Hispanic/Latinx |
24% | Asian (Non-Filipino) |
15% | White/Caucasian (Non-Hispanic) |
1% | Filipino |
1% | Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander |
1% | Native American or Alaska Native |
(2,328 students reporting race/ethnicity. 4,787 (67%) did not report.)
Why Students Enroll at Highline
% | Reason students enroll: |
40% | high school completion or basic skills programs |
30% | transfer to a four-year college/university |
15% | professional-technical certificates or degrees |
8% | personal enrichment |
3% | bachelor's degrees |
Type of Course Enrollments*
% | Type of Enrollment |
48% | Transfer courses |
28% | ELCAP (English Language, Career and Academic Prep) |
20% | Professional-Technical courses |
4% | Bachelor of Applied Science courses |
1% | Non-credit Continuing Education courses |
*Course enrollment may differ from students’ reported purpose for attending.
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