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Get Ready for Go-Live: Train for ctcLink

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2021-02-10T07:11:26+00:00 January 14, 2021|ctcLink News|
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Get Ready for Go-Live: Train for ctcLink

Delta DogGuest post by Tim Wrye, Executive Director of IT Services, CIO and ctcLink Project Executive Sponsor

All Highline employees — everyone who earns a paycheck at the college — should take at least these two courses to prepare for our move to the ctcLink system:

By all employees, we mean everyone: hourly, student workers, 1000-hour, full time, part time, staff, faculty, administrators.

We are currently building detailed training materials for specific processes and planning some targeted support for after Go-Live, but these courses will give you a solid foundation for understanding how the system will function. (For those of you who have already completed these courses, congratulations and thank you!)

We have 25 days (15 working days!) remaining until ctcLink Go-Live on February 8. You can continue taking courses beyond that point, of course, but our expectation is that all campus employees will take at least those two by January 31. This deadline, along with key milestones and other deadlines, is on our Timeline Road Map.

Other recommended trainings depend on your job duties. That is, if you are a cashier, you will want to complete trainings that will help you do your work as a cashier. Check with your supervisor about which courses are right for your role. To help, visit Training for ctcLink to see recommended training by employee type and function/role.

We also have a handy tool to help you keep track of which courses you’ve signed up for and those you’ve completed. If you’ve registered for a course, your name will appear in the drop-down list. (Note that the Final Grade column measures progress. A low “grade” likely means that you haven’t finished the course. A zero [0] in the column means you haven’t started the course.)

On behalf of the entire Highline ctcLink Project Team, thank you for your work and support of our journey to ctcLink.

Ask Delta Dog

Delta DogWho is this blue dog? Learn why Delta Dog is our trusty companion on the journey to ctcLink.

If you have questions about ctcLink, ask Delta Dog.

You can also view the Frequently Asked Questions page.

For information about the statewide ctcLink project, visit the SBCTC ctcLink page and read the blog, ctcLink Connect.