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The Weekly Wag, Issue #5

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2020-10-21T08:28:28+00:00 October 21, 2020|ctcLink News, The Weekly Wag|
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The Weekly Wag, Issue #5

Delta Dog Welcome to The Weekly Wag, your home for quick news and updates on the ctcLink project.

Congratulations, Chau Trac!

This week’s Golden Paw Award winner is Chau Trac. Through her extraordinary effort, Highline is making great strides in our collective journey to ctcLink. Read about her accomplishments on the Paws Up page.

Who Won With ctcLink Training?

Delta Dog Congratulations, Yen-Chu Weng! Yen-Chu completed the 9.2 PeopleSoft Fundamentals course and was randomly selected to win a $25 gift card to Amazon.

Do you want to be the next winner? See “Delta Dog Offers Tips for Tackling Training” to learn how. The next drawing will be October 30.

See Delta Dog at PDD

Delta Dog and ctcLink team members will present three workshops during Professional Development Day, October 23.

Attend a workshop to learn how to get started with ctcLink trainings, see key functions and features impacting faculty, and learn what ctcLink has to offer for staff and faculty advisors.

Farewell to Data Express

Do you use Data Express to do your work? If you do — or aren’t sure — read this guest blog post from Delta Dog’s friend and colleague, Emily Coates.

Countdown Calendar

The clock is ticking. Just 68 working days until Highline goes live with ctcLink on February 8, 2021.

Get Social

Delta Dog feels at home in the virtual world. Join her there on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Word of the Week

While you learn and work with ctcLink and its software, PeopleSoft, you’ll come across many words and terms. To help you learn the lingo, here’s this week’s word (find others on the Terminology page):

A report in PeopleSoft that can be created or run to return subsets of information.

Ask Delta Dog

Delta DogWho is this blue dog? Learn why Delta Dog is our trusty companion on the journey to ctcLink.

If you have questions about ctcLink, ask Delta Dog.

You can also view the Frequently Asked Questions page.

For information about the statewide ctcLink project, visit the SBCTC ctcLink page and read the blog, ctcLink Connect.