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The Weekly Wag, Issue #13

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2020-12-30T07:20:18+00:00 December 30, 2020|ctcLink News, The Weekly Wag|
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The Weekly Wag, Issue #13

Delta DogWelcome to The Weekly Wag, your home for quick news and updates on the ctcLink project.

What ctcLink Means for You

Everyone will have a new ctcLink ID. You’ll need the ctcLink ID to do much of your college business, including tracking and reporting time, viewing payroll and personal information, and more.

This new ID will follow you wherever you go within the Washington community and technical college system. If you work, teach or take classes at more than one college, you’ll have just one ID.

Once we are live on ctcLink, you’ll receive instructions on how to activate your ctcLink account. You will activate your account using your current employee ID (or SID, the 9-digit number you use to access the Time & Leave Reporting [TLR] system) and get your new ctcLink ID during that process. Watch for more information as we approach our February 8 go-live date.

Delta Dog

Woof to Ta’Yanna Davis!

This week’s Golden Paw Award winner is Ta’Yanna Davis. Through her extraordinary effort, Highline is making great strides in our collective journey to ctcLink. Read about her accomplishments on the Paws Up page.

Deadlines and Office Closures

Many things are happening to make sure Highline is prepared to go live with ctcLink. So that you can plan, see a high-level schedule of upcoming activities, deadlines and closures. More dates will be added in the coming weeks.

Delta Dog

Who Won With ctcLink Training?

Many of you used last Thursday’s professional enrichment day for ctcLink training. And many emailed Delta Dog to share what you had learned to enter our special Dec. 24 edition of the training contest. Woof to you!

Four entrants were randomly selected to win $25 Amazon gift cards*: Amal Mahmoud, David Nguyen, Erica He and Jeff Hsiao. Congratulations!

If you emailed but didn’t win, you’ll be entered into the January 8 drawing, the final one in our training contest that started in September. See “Delta Dog Offers Tips for Tackling Training” to learn how you can enter.

Training Tip of the Week: Track Your Training

Which courses have you signed up for? Which have you completed? Check this handy tool to track your progress. If you’ve registered for a course, your name will appear in the drop-down list. Note that a low grade in the Final Grade column likely means that you haven’t finished the course. A zero (0) in the column means you haven’t started the course.

Countdown Calendar

The clock is ticking. Just 23 working days until Highline goes live with ctcLink on February 8, 2021.

Get Social

Delta Dog feels at home in the virtual world. Join her there on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Word of the Week

While you learn and work with ctcLink and its software, PeopleSoft, you’ll come across many words and terms. Here’s this week’s word (find others on the Terminology page):

PeopleSoft Favorites are a user-defined list of frequently visited PeopleSoft pages or frequently used queries.

Ask Delta Dog

Delta DogWho is this blue dog? Learn why Delta Dog is our trusty companion on the journey to ctcLink.

If you have questions about ctcLink, ask Delta Dog.

You can also view the Frequently Asked Questions page.

For information about the statewide ctcLink project, visit the SBCTC ctcLink page and read the blog, ctcLink Connect.


*No state funds were used to purchase gift cards. Cards have been donated by a friend of Delta Dog.