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Activities and Events

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Current Events

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Past Events

Timesheet and Absence Request Assistance

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Need help with filling out your timesheet or putting in your absence request? Partial days not behaving for you? The ctcLink Project Team will host drop-in sessions, where you can get help filling out, submitting or approving timesheets and absence requests. These will be casual sessions, not formal training sessions.

Timesheet Assistance Sessions

Delta Dog

Friday, April 30, 2021

Timesheets will be due soon. Join us for drop-in Zoom sessions to ask questions about entering, submitting or approving absences or timesheets. These will be casual sessions, not formal training sessions.

Go-Live Support Sessions

February 10-23, 2021

Attend a variety of Zoom sessions — called Get ctcLinked! — to find support as you activate and learn about ctcLink. Find information and Zoom links here:

Delta Dog with bowl

Lunch and Learn With Delta Dog

Final Session: January 29, 2021, noon

During weekly lunch-and-learn sessions, you can eat and engage with ctcLink project team members. Delta Dog will host ctcLink project manager Pat Daniels and others so you can ask questions and hear project updates. And, you’ll learn what Delta Dog eats for lunch. Mark your calendar for noon on Fridays, excluding furlough days and holidays. The final session will be January 29.

Virtual Town Hall

Delta Dog and Dr. Mosby

November 17, 2020, 2:30 p.m.

A big woof! to President Mosby for hosting Tuesday’s Town Hall. Close to 120 of you attended to hear the latest on the ctcLink project and learn how to prepare for the February 8 go-live date. Thank you!

Delta Dog enjoyed sharing the virtual stage with President Mosby and several ctcLink project team members, including Tim Wrye and Pat Daniels.

View Video

A video of the presentation with captioning is available on Highline’s Google drive (you’ll need to be logged on with your Highline credentials to access). You can also read President Mosby’s opening remarks below.

President Mosby’s Opening Remarks

Welcome to all of you on this Tuesday afternoon. Thanks for joining us.

Your attendance today shows you understand the importance of the ctcLink project. Its successful implementation is critical, both to our college operations and to helping our students.
ctcLink will change how all of us at Highline— faculty, staff and students — access information and conduct college business. It will help us streamline and standardize many of the things we do.

This Town Hall gives you an opportunity to hear updates and ask questions. I will keep my comments brief before turning it over to Tim Wrye and Pat Daniels.

Many of you have been hearing about ctcLink for some time now. Others of you have been deeply involved in the project for several years. And for others, ctcLink may be brand new. Whatever stage you are at with ctcLink, again, thank you for taking the time to be here.

For those of you who are brand new to ctcLink and aren’t involved in the behind-the-scenes work going on now, this change will simply be a new website that will help you better manage your experience as an employee. You’ll use it to track and report time, view your payroll and personal information, and more.

For others — those who process financial aid, schedule classes or pay bills — ctcLink will transform the way you work. In the process of moving to ctcLink, we’ll replace our aging legacy software systems, which you likely know best by their abbreviations: FAM, FMS, PPMS, and SMS (FAM = Financial Aid Management; FMS = Financial Management System; PPMS = Personnel/Payroll Management System; SMS = Student Management System).

Some applications that use the data from these back-end systems will also be replaced. These include Degree Audit, Instructor Briefcase, Data Express, and time and leave reporting, known as TLR.

We are scheduled to go live on the ctcLink system on February 8, 2021. While that may sound far off to some of you, I can tell you that from those who are working behind the scenes to prepare, it seems very close.

Just 50 working days remain until February 8, which is roughly 12 weeks away.

There has been an incredible amount of planning and preparation as part of the transition process. Dozens of your colleagues in Academic Affairs, Human Resources, Student Services and Finance have been integral to getting us to where we are today. As I’ve said before — and will likely say again — I ask you to support these individuals and departments with your patience and understanding during this demanding time.

Today, we are in an excellent position to make that transition, thanks to their work. There is still much to be done, of course, and are working hard to meet our objectives and targets.

The conversion to ctcLink has and will continue to require collaboration and hard work. But once we’re done, it will give us new, more efficient tools for doing what we have always done — helping students succeed.

OK, you’ve heard me talk for long enough. Let’s turn it over to Tim and Pat.

Ask Delta Dog

Delta DogWho is this blue dog? Learn why Delta Dog has been our trusty companion on the journey to ctcLink. She will stay by our side as we fully implement the system.

If you have questions about ctcLink, ask Delta Dog.

You can also view the Frequently Asked Questions page.

For information about the statewide ctcLink project, visit the SBCTC ctcLink page and read the blog, ctcLink Connect.