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President Mosby Welcomes Delta Dog to ctcLink Project Team

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2019-12-06T07:38:40+00:00 May 30, 2019|ctcLink News|
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President Mosby Welcomes Delta Dog to ctcLink Project Team

Delta Dog and Dr. Mosby

Dear Highline College,

Join me in welcoming the newest member of our campus community, Delta Dog. Even though she’s a two-dimensional fictional character, she will be an important part of the ctcLink team as our campus prepares for, and moves to, the new software system.

Rest assured, Delta Dog is not here to replace our traditional Thunderbird mascot. She’s here on special assignment for the ctcLink project.

Delta Dog has been adopted by the ctcLink team as the project’s mascot. She will guide us through the project, acting as our trustworthy companion. Learn why she was chosen — and why her head is shaped like a triangle — at Meet Delta Dog.

Many of you already know about ctcLink, but here’s a brief overview for those new to Highline:

  • ctcLink will change how all of us — faculty, staff and students — access information and conduct college business. It will provide a set of interconnected software modules to help us streamline and standardize many of the things we do.
  • When we implement ctcLink on campus, we will replace aging legacy systems, such as the current Financial Management System (FMS), Student Management System (SMS) and Personnel/Payroll Management System (PPMS).
  • For most people, ctcLink will simply be a new website that will help them better manage their experience as a student or as an employee. For others — those who process financial aid, schedule classes or pay bills — will have their work transformed by ctcLink.

Moving to this tool will be a significant change for our campus, a change that requires a great deal of planning, communication and coaching. Here is what to expect as we prepare for our expected October 2020 go-live date:

  • Our local Project Team will provide regular updates on the ctcLink project. You will hear from team members at various campus meetings, through email and via other communication tools.
  • Highline’s ctcLink website will house answers to frequently asked questions, links to resources and training, and more. Information will be added as the project progresses.
  • At any time, I invite you to share your questions, concerns and comments by emailing the Project Team at ctcLink@highline.edu.

Though the conversion will require collaboration and hard work, it will give us new, more efficient tools for doing what we have always done — helping students succeed.

Join me — and Delta Dog — in this critical campus project.


John R. Mosby, Ph.D.
Highline College