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Project Mascots Go Hoof to Paw in 2020 Docu-Race Championship

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2020-09-30T07:32:56+00:00 September 29, 2020|ctcLink News|
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Project Mascots Go Hoof to Paw in 2020 Docu-Race Championship

Delta Dog and Ace the Accreditation goat Where can you see a blue dog take on a grinning goat in a fun and informative race for accreditation fame and glory? At Highline, of course.

In case you missed last’s weeks crazy contest, Ace the Accreditation mascot took on your favorite campus canine in a virtual race to find the fabled MFR, or Mission Fulfillment Report.

Did defending champion Delta Dog retain her title? Or did newcomer Ace, who is dedicated to helping Highline understand accreditation, take the coveted crown? Take a 4-minute pause from reality and find out. (Special thanks to video creators Sherri Chun and Patrick Fernandez for sharing their work.)

Wacky? Completely. Fun? Absolutely. Informative? Yep, that too.

Enter to Win

While Delta Dog is completely focused on helping Highline with the ctcLink project, she understands how all of our work at the college is related. How does the ctcLink project uphold Highline’s mission and core themes? Email Delta Dog to share your ideas by Oct. 15 and be entered in a drawing to win a $25 Starbucks gift card.*

Ask Delta Dog

Delta DogWho is this blue dog? Learn why Delta Dog is our trusty companion on the journey to ctcLink.

If you have questions about ctcLink, ask Delta Dog.

You can also view the Frequently Asked Questions page.

For information about the statewide ctcLink project, visit the SBCTC ctcLink page and read the blog, ctcLink Connect.


*No state funds were used to purchase gift card. Card has been donated by a friend of Delta Dog.