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City Farming and Food Access Focus of New Summit

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2019-05-13T15:06:15+00:00 March 3, 2017|News, Previous Event|
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City Farming and Food Access Focus of New Summit

  • South King County's Inaugural Urban Agriculture Summit poster design

Free and Open to All

March 17, 2017: 2–5 p.m.
March 18, 2017: 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Highline’s main campus, Building 8

A mother goat with her new kid are likely to steal the show at the South King County Urban Agriculture Food Summit.

In its inaugural year, the free summit is open to all who want to learn about growing food and farming in the city. The two-day event will feature workshops, demonstrations, vendors and children’s activities.

Attendees will learn about permaculture/sustainability techniques, soil science, beekeeping for increased pollination, edible landscaping and more.

Goats at Highline College

Goats, like this doe and kid, will be part of the goat-keeping demonstration at the Urban Agriculture Food Summit. The goat visit will not be a first for Highline. The college brings goats to campus at least once a year as an environmentally friendly way to keep blackberry bushes in check.

“The goal of the summit is to support, develop and promote new energy for urban agriculture in south King County,” said Rick Shultz, who is one of the event organizers and advises the Highline College Permaculture Club.

Rick Shultz

Rick Shultz

Shultz noted that the new summit, as well as Highline’s Urban Agriculture/Food Security program in general, gives the college and its community partners the ability to increase awareness and opportunities to develop urban agriculture in a region of King County that is recognized as a food desert.

Several outside organizations are participating in the two-day event. Ravenna Ridge Metro Milkers will bring goats to demonstrate urban goat keeping, and the Seattle Tree Fruit Society will present its 12th annual grafting show, with many fruit growing–related workshops.

Bobby Butler

Bobby Butler

“I am excited to be partnering with King Conservation District and the Seattle Tree Fruit Society for this event. Both organizations are wonderful resources for folks in the community who are interested in growing their own food and learning more about sustainable practices,” said Bobby Butler, who along with Shultz is organizing the summit. Butler manages Highline’s Urban Agriculture program.

“I am hoping that this event will give members of the community the motivation and guidance they need to get their garden or farm off and running this spring. The event will also be a great opportunity for people to get to know about some of the wonderful food-based organizations that are here to serve their community.”

In 2015, Highline was awarded a two-year, $80,000 grant from the King Conservation District (KCD) Regional Food System program to help launch its Urban Agriculture/Food Security program.

The KCD grant program was initiated to serve as a catalyst for making local food production environmentally and economically sustainable. It funds projects that contribute to the economic viability of local farmers, encourage new farmers, expand acreage in food production, improve food access and increase demand for King County farm products.


Bobby Butler: (206) 592-3985, bbutler@highline.edu
Rick Shultz: (206) 592-4117, rshultz@highline.edu

Grow With Urban Agriculture

Learn more about Highline’s Urban Agriculture/Food Security program:

  • Program Overview
  • Short-Term Certificate Courses
  • Short-Term Certificate Program Requirements