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Free 2-Day Summit Fuels Careers in City Farming

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2018-12-04T15:38:52+00:00 February 26, 2018|News, Previous Event|
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Free 2-Day Summit Fuels Careers in City Farming

  • photo collage of apples, bees and a student

Free and Open to All

March 2, 2018: 12–2:30 p.m.
March 3, 2018: 9:30 a.m.–3:45 p.m.
Highline’s main campus, Buildings 2 and 8

Looking for advice on making the most out of a small urban garden? Or how to build a career in farming food in the city?

Find experts, resources and hands-on workshops at the South King County Urban Agriculture Food Summit at Highline College.

In its second year, the free summit is open to all who want to learn about growing food in the city.

The two-day event will feature activities and resource tables, with experts available to discuss ideas. See the Urban Ag Food Summit schedule for the full list of events.

One goal of the summit is to increase awareness and opportunities to develop urban agriculture in a region of King County that is recognized as a food desert.

The event is made possible through the college’s partnerships with organizations such as King Conservation District.


Bobby Butler: (206) 592-3985, bbutler@highline.edu
Rick Shultz: (206) 592-4117, rshultz@highline.edu

Urban Agriculture Grows in Des Moines

Back in 2015, Highline received a grant to help launch its Urban Agriculture/Food Security program. The two-year, $80,000 grant came from the King Conservation District (KCD) Regional Food System program.

In 2017, Highline received a $76,000 grant from KCD to help launch a project with the City of Des Moines. The college and city will work together to identify and increase the amount of farmable land for use by the college and the community. More farmable land will improve local food security, improve land use, and provide a venue to educate and develop new farmers.