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Summer Bridge

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Summer Bridge 2021-04-27T12:33:24+00:00

Together We Lift the Sky

Program Dates: July 26–August 27, 2021

Summer Bridge is a free program and an opportunity to adjust to college life through tailored programming, peer and professional support, and planned recreational activities. Become familiar with Highline College and learn the most effective techniques for academic achievement through time management, study skills, and leadership workshops.

Just a few of the perks of attending Summer Bridge:

  • Earn up to 7 college credits
  • Discover campus resources
  • Explore Highline College in a supportive and academic program
  • Participate in community building activities
  • Build a community of friends
  • Make Highline College your home away from home
  • Have fun with your new Summer Bridge friends
  • Set yourself up for college success
  • Have the opportunity to earn a scholarship
  • This program will be online and completely free

Program Expectations:

  • This program is 5 weeks long from Monday to Thursday 9:30 AM–2:30 PM.
  • You are required to attend, every class session to receive 7 college credits (2 classes. EGS 100 worth 5 credits and TRIO 105 worth 2 credits).
  • You understand that you will be registered to take EGS 100 & TRIO 105: Scholar Strategies. EGS 100 applies to social science credit and DGS credit for an AA degree. TRIO 105 may apply to your elective requirements for an AA degree.

Application is Open Now

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be a first generation college student
  • Be interested in attending Highline College in Fall 2021
  • Be able to attend the entire program
  • Identify with a group that is under- represented

apply to summer bridge program