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Emily Lardner Selected as VP of Academic Affairs

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2020-07-02T15:13:42+00:00 July 2, 2020|News|
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Emily Lardner Selected as VP of Academic Affairs

  • Dr. Emily Lardner

Dr. Emily Lardner has been named vice president of Academic Affairs at Highline College.

Prior to Lardner’s permanent hire, which was effective July 1, she served in the role for one year.

“I am deeply honored to be invited by colleagues to continue to serve,” Lardner said. “We’ve accomplished a lot this past year, starting with office moves and winding up with emergency remote teaching and services due to a global pandemic. Through it all, faculty and staff colleagues throughout the Academic Affairs division and across the college have been willing to jump in to try to solve issues we never anticipated. The mix of passionate engagement and creative problem-solving in service to students that characterizes Highline is rare, and to be treasured.”

During her time at Highline, she’s led the college’s Guided Pathways efforts, Accreditation preparation and more, all in addition to the transition to emergency remote teaching in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. John R. Mosby

Dr. John R. Mosby

“Dr. Lardner is a well-respected educator within the state of Washington and nationally recognized for her efforts in learning communities, organizational leadership and equity-minded advocacy, putting student success at the heart of her work,” said Highline College President John Mosby. “Highline College is extremely fortunate to have her in this pivotal role on campus as we enter some defining years for the college. Working and serving in a COVID higher education reality and preparing for our Accreditation visit represents only some of our challenges, but with Dr. Lardner at the helm in Academic Affairs, I’m confident that her leadership and vision will continue to move Highline forward.”

Highline’s Academic Affairs division oversees academic divisions, as well as the college’s academic success centers, Adult Basic Education, Continuing Education, Pathway to College, Instructional Design, Library, and Learning and Teaching Center, the Puget Sound Welcome Back Center, Placement and Testing Center and Transitional Referral and Resource Center.

According to a 2019 news post, Lardner spent two years as a vice president at Grays Harbor College in Aberdeen before coming to Highline. While there, she oversaw the Instruction division and led the redesign of the college’s Teacher Education program to include an endorsement in English language learners.

She has collaborated with Washington community college educators for over two decades, which is most evident in her work at The Evergreen State College, where she directed the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education.
While at the Washington Center, she and colleagues designed two national summer institutes, one on learning communities and one on using evidence for improvement, which drew over 200 campus teams from across the U.S., including many of Washington’s community colleges. She also provided consultations for more than 75 colleges on implementing learning communities, revising developmental education, supporting English language learners and addressing equity and opportunity gaps.

During her time at Evergreen, she was also adjunct faculty, teaching a variety of writing courses in the college’s Evening and Weekend Studies program.

Her past experience includes 11 years on the English Composition Board at the University of Michigan, where she served as Associate Director for Writing Assessment.

Lardner has a master’s and doctorate in English language and literature at the University of Michigan and a bachelor’s degree from Augustana College in Illinois.