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Education for All

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2017-12-13T12:02:52+00:00 April 13, 2017|Highline Voices, News|
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Education for All

  • Dr. T.M. Sell - Highline College

By Dr. T.M. Sell

A couple of years ago, I was at a summer advising workshop. We do that a lot at Highline — try to find ways to be better teachers for our students.

We were asked, as part of the workshop, to think about what barriers we faced in going to college.

I thought briefly and could reach only one conclusion: None.

I knew I was going to college from the time I was 5 years old. My father, on his way to becoming a college professor, was going to college, and I knew that was what I was going to do. And I knew that was what I could do and would do.

It was what was expected. I never had a moment of doubt that I belonged or that I could succeed.

My first day of college was one of the best days of my life. The professor got up in my very first class and started talking, and I thought, “Thank God. We’re actually going to learn something.”

And, in fact, going to Renton High School had prepared me well for college. The teachers were encouraged to teach, to do whatever it was that they did best.

The classes were not stratified into “smart kids” and “other kids.” For the most part, we were all lumped together. The smart kids helped the other kids along, and we all learned something in the process.

When I started at Highline in January of 1976 (because, as my father, by then a Highline professor, said, “No son of mine is going to Green River”), tuition was around $100 a quarter. In current dollars, that’s about $350. Students could get part-time jobs, pay for their tuition and books and graduate with four-year degrees without any debt.

But the lack of barriers I encountered is not what students face today. …

Read the rest of the article.

This article was originally published in the print edition of the Federal Way Mirror on April 7, 2017.

About the Author

T.M. Sell, Ph.D., is a 1978 graduate of Highline College and a former alumni of the year. He is the author of two books about politics and is head of the journalism department and professor of political economy at Highline.

About Highline Voices

Highline Voices brings a range of diverse perspectives to our community, featuring the expertise of Highline College staff and faculty. Read other articles in the Highline Voices series that began in 2016. All Highline employees are welcome to contribute to the series. Email Tanya Powers or Kari Coglon Cantey for guidelines.