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Public Health and Hybrid Operations Management

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Public Health and Hybrid Operations Management 2021-05-21T18:01:27+00:00

Public Health and Hybrid Operations Management

Under the direction of President John R. Mosby, the Public Health and Hybrid Operations Management Teams, are responsible for the planning and oversight of Highline College’s safe return to campus. The teams are comprised of representatives from across campus. Faculty and Staff are invited to send questions about the planned return to campus to covid19response@highline.edu. Students are encouraged to send questions to ask@highline.edu.

The PHMT and HOMT are comprised of the following:

Public Health and Hybrid Operations Leadership Council

Mariela Barriga
Nicki Bly
Francesca Fender
Josh Gerstman
Emily Lardner
Danielle Slota
Tim Wrye

Public Health Management Team

Gabrielle Bachmeier
Thomas Bui
Nicki Bly
Rachel Collins
Justin Dampeer
John Dunn
Francesca Fender
Josh Gerstman
Kevin Kalal
Summer Korst
David Menke
Dana Rollins
Ben Thomas
Danielle Slota
Iesha Valencia
Tim Wrye

Public Health, COVID Safety On-Campus Team

Nicki Bly
Diana Cacho
Justin Dampeer
Theresa Duhart
Rhonda Durano
Juan Gutierrez
Jennifer Johnston
Kayoko Kado
Kevin Kalal
Paulette Lopez
Laurel Lunden
David Menke
Maggie Osborn
Steven Simpkins

Hybrid Operations Management Team

Gabrielle Bachmeier
Cathy Cartwright
Raechel Dawson
Francesca Fender
Barry Holldorf
Summer Korst
Marc Lentini
Danielle Slota
Kim Southerland
Tim Wrye

Hybrid Operations, Services to Students

Loyal Allen
Mariela Barriga
Cathleen Campbell
Jeff Hsiao
Marc Lentini
Doris Martinez
Lyall Rudenskjold
Danielle Slota
Shannon Waits
Steve Washburn

Hybrid Operations, Health and Wellness

Jack Harton
Koreen Jack
Summer Korst
Megan Marchand
Vince Sanchez
Danielle Slota
Amber Trillo
Alycia Williams