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2019-2020 Goals and Priorities

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2019-2020 Goals and Priorities 2020-01-13T13:10:45+00:00

2019-2020 Goals and Priorities

Core Theme 1: Promote student engagement, learning and achievement

We are meeting minimum Mission Fulfillment Report (MFR) thresholds for student goal attainment; however, our goal is to increase Student Achievement Index (SAI) momentum points and completion rates

Guided Pathways.  Due to the transitions over the past two years, Guided Pathways discussion has not been a priority at the College. 

Key activities:

  • With stability in leadership and increased visibility due to recent legislative decisions, the College is ready to resume discussions and ultimately transformation into a Guided Pathways college.
  • Academic Affairs and Student Services: Development of a Guided Pathways plan from Advising Committee – both divisions have membership in the committee. In addition, the advising team will attend Guided Pathways-related workshops/conferences to better understand initiative and gather information from other colleges about their process.
  • Develop process and model for implantation this academic year.

Student Onboarding. Students often can get overwhelmed with navigation through the enrollment process.  This, in turn, can affect enrollment and student retention at the college.

Key activities:

  • Student Services. Design and implement a one-stop Thunderbird Welcome Center to co-locate entry onboarding services (Admission, placement, orientation, entry advising, registration, and career counseling/exploration) and provide streamline entry processes.
  • Design and implement a one-stop Student Funding Center to co-locate intake and support center for all funding resources (Financial Aid, Scholarships, VA, BFET, Opportunity Grant, WES, WorkFirst, Emergency Assistance, etc.).
  • Streamline forms and processes to be student-centered, efficient and minimize barriers for students.
  • Seek additional funding opportunities (TRiO Talent Search and Upward Bound) to create a high school to college pipeline for first-generation and low-income students in partnership with feeder high schools (Kent-Meridian, Federal Way, Thomas Jefferson, etc.).
  • Strengthen the relationship and partnership with Capstone to build a robust residential life and wellness programs for students living in Campus View.
  • Develop a strategic marketing and recruiting plan to increase International Student Enrollment.

Enhancing entire student experience.  Staff and faculty are committed to serving students.  One of the challenges at Highline College is making sure the diverse needs of our students is always being met.

Key activities:

  • Increased professional development for staff and faculty.
  • Utilizing the practices of learning communities as a model for entire student learning on campus.
  • Institutionalize recommendations from Accessibility task force
  • Creating more evening hours to serve evening population
  • Guided Pathways / Transfer Opportunities
  • Increase student momentum to completion as measured by college-level credits earned in first semester and year, successful completion of college-level math and English in first year (i.e. increase basic skills transition rate)
  • Conduct a comprehensive review of current programs offerings in light of job forecasts related to sectors of in-demand/job growth
  • Develop goals for non-standard completions for non-traditional students (e.g. non-award seeking, personal interest, only taking 1 class, etc.)

Core Theme 2: Integrate and institutionalize diversity and globalism throughout Highline.

SUGGESTED ADDITION: The College is not meeting minimum MFR thresholds for student goal attainment for students from diverse backgrounds.

African American/Black/Latino completion rates. In terms of degree attainment and persistence, these groups continue to struggle as evidenced by the Mission Fulfillment Report.

Key activities:

  • Create workshops/in-service sessions for Institutional Research to discuss data with all units of the college.
  • Continued faculty review of disaggregated data and application to courses
  • Increasing visibility of learning communities on campus for understanding and program recruitment
  • Infuse more of signature programs into the outreach and advising practices at college (Black and Brown, Y.E.L.L.); continued connect with community
  • Identify strong early alert programs and best practices
  • Identify and implement more multicultural services’ programs

International Programs.  There has been a number of changes regarding International Programs in terms of personnel and programming.  With the hiring of a new director and the creation of a Global Programs committee, the College is poised to resume its global presence.

Key Activities:

  • Development of an ISP recruitment plan to increase enrollment and visibility abroad.
  • Increased faculty exchange partnerships with China
  • Study Abroad – identifying new countries to visit
  • Strategic focus on trips by college representatives – using quantifiable and qualiable analysts to identify countries that may offer opportunities for the future.
  • Utilizing international students as ambassadors when returning to home country
  • Leveraging residential housing – Campus View @ Highline Place for gatherings and programming.

Equity. This is a cornerstone of Highline College.  It’s important that the college reaffirm, strengthen and communicate with the community the goals and priorities, from an institutional perspective.

Key activities:

  • In order to improve the work that is being done, and move the college to be more effective in this space, the college seeks a strategic, forward-thinking, and dynamic visionary leader to serve as the Vice President for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
    • This position will lead the college in efforts to create an environment that values and demonstrates its commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.  The position will be responsible for developing, aligning, and/or integrating a range of new and existing initiatives, policies and procedures into a cohesive platform that will foster a more inclusive, welcoming, supportive, and diverse college community.  Understanding that this critical work is the responsibility of everyone at the college, this position will guide the college community in expanding and extending the values of diversity, equity and inclusion through teaching, scholarship, and broad engagement of students, faculty, and staff.
    • The successful candidate will show evidence of leading organizational change, particularly as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion.  The candidate will have a strong theoretical and working knowledge of diversity, equity and inclusion, and have the ability to translate that knowledge to others, as well as possess the ability to put his/her experience and knowledge into practice.  The candidate will have significant knowledge, and experience, in addressing matters such as, but not limited to: (a) recruiting and retaining employees, and students, of color, (b) creating welcoming environments for all people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, non-native English speakers, immigrants, and people with varying abilities, (c) addressing inequities and conflicts related to race, power, white privilege, institutional racism, and implicit bias.  The candidate will have experience developing, implementing, and successfully facilitating productive discussions and trainings regarding issues of diversity, equity & inclusion.  The successful candidate will be highly collaborative, and possess a keen ability to effectively communicate, and connect, with diverse individuals both inside and outside of the college community.
    • Will oversee Institutional Research, strategic planning, assessment/testing and will provide direction to Equity Task Force
  • Development and implementation of an Equity plan and framework that aligns with Guided Pathways, includes well-defined governance and committee structures and identifies channels for open communication regarding these efforts

Core Theme 3: Build valuable relationships and establish a meaningful presence within Highline College’s communities.

We are meeting our MFR minimum thresholds where Highline College is familiar to our local communities; however, our goal is to create more opportunities to educate our communities about our services and strengthen our responsiveness to community needs.

Relationships with service areas.  Highline College is familiar locally but many individuals are unaware of the programs and services the college provides to the community.

Key activities:

  • Create opportunities to bring more community members to campus (programs, speakers, elected officials) – become a recognized place locally for community building.
  • Utilize the upcoming presence of sound transit in the community for citizens to see the college as a viable and accessible educational service destination
  • Increase outreach activities to include open house/preview day, establish other events that target emerging programs and services
  • Creation of an Annual Report for distribution to community – showcasing programs and providing data on students
  • Engage college advisory committees to identify service trends and contacts to establish partnerships and further collaborate with businesses and organizations.

Community Education.  The offerings in this area provide several services and classes to the community.

Key activities:

  • Work with Institutional Research to collect data and input to identify professional and personal needs for community members.
    • Training
    • Professional Development
    • Personal Enrichment
    • Certification programs
  • Establish Community Education and a leader in the community, providing innovative options and services for students, staff, faculty and residents.

Core Theme 4: Model Sustainability in human resources, operations and teaching/learning.

We are meeting our MFR minimum thresholds in managing our financial and physical resources. We are not meeting minimum thresholds for human resource management.

ctc link.  The system is currently transitioning to ctc link, significantly changing main working system for college.  This will require all-campus commitment for success.

Key activities:

  • Highline College serves a model for campus-wide involvement and conversion to new system.
  • College will have a strong presence of ITS at the state level, providing a voice for the students, staff and faculty.
  • Through data governance, campus will create new process of standards and procedures for system
  • Administrative services will continue to provide support for conversion.
  • Enhance infrastructure to support college needs

Budget. Many campus members have expressed confusion over budgetary process, despite the hard-working efforts of Administrative Services.

Key activities:

  • Conduct “Budget 101” workshops to campus community
  • Continue to create and implement sustainable budget model
  • Improve communication for approval of budget requests
  • Create an all-participatory budget process in its entirety for all members of the college

Facilities.  Many campus buildings have matured while little funding is available due to the legislative allocation system.

Key activities:

  • Working with Administrative Services to identify and track college’s overall facility needs/condition. Begin identifying changes needed for next revision of campus master plan.  Review and identify campus reserves amount for upcoming projects.
  • Update campus on upcoming projects (B-99, Bldg 26, etc) to ensure communication and troubleshooting regarding moves, concerns.
  • Update all campus maps to represent correct campus locations (w/ Institutional Relations office)

Employee development and turnover.  The latest Mission Fulfillment Report shows an increase in short-term attraction rate and a percentage of job dissatisfaction and positive campus climate falling below the benchmark, specifically focusing on the areas of professional growth.

Key activities:

  • Distribute a staff/faculty/student campus climate study to identify specific areas of concerns and ways to improve experience
  • Human Resources and Executive Cabinet review salary schedules and provide increases in entry level positions and review other positions to remain completive with other colleges.
  • Human Resources conduct various campus trainings on evaluation process, professional development and search committee training
  • Continue to utilize and edit, if needed, the hiring process chart for campus
  • President’s Office continues to meet with campus community to hear concerns and ideas on how best to improve relations on campus.
  • Collaborate with Office of Equity and Success to identify strategies and programming in assisting Human Resources and Executive Cabinet and creating incentives for retention.

Visionary goals for 2019-20 and beyond

  • College is recognized locally and nationally for efforts related to student success, focusing in the area of Guided Pathways.
  • College is recognized locally and nationally for continued, innovative equity work relating to student success, legislative advocacy, staff and faculty development.
  • Increase the number of BA degrees at college.
  • College is consistently recognized as a “best destination” to work within system.
  • College is a leader in eliminating housing and food insecurity in south King County.