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3rd Annual Senior Signing Day

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2018-03-15T09:45:54+00:00 March 9, 2015|News, Previous Event|
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3rd Annual Senior Signing Day

  • Highline College Senior Signing Day

Free event gives high school seniors chance to explore college options

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
9 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Highline College main campus
Building 8

Join with more than 300 other seniors from neighboring high schools who are undecided about their plans for next year. You will discover what options await you at Highline College.

Enjoy free lunch, workshops, resource tables and much more, including music and plenty of giveaways. And, learn about the application process, financial aid options, and the programs and services available on Highline’s beautiful 80-acres campus.

Senior Signing Day is a fun-filled, informative and inspirational event designed to help you see yourself as a college student.

Please RSVP to Tanisha Williams at (206) 592-3212 if you would like to attend or have additional questions.