Services & Support
To succeed in the classroom, you often need help outside of it.
What can Highline College do to help? Besides providing great faculty, we offer a variety of resources and support, from counseling and career planning to tutoring and technology.

Academic Support
From help with math and writing, to advising and vetran services, learn more about programs to help you succeed in the classes and beyond.

Student Technology Tools
From Canvas and ctcLink, to Office 360 and more. View links and resources to help you stay connected through digital resources.
Additional Adademic Support Programs and Technology Help
We can assist Highline students in smoothly transitioning to a four-year degree program
by providing the necessary tools for making informed decisions about transfer and
the transfer admission process.
The Counseling Center provides a receptive environment where you will find help reaching
your academic goals through educational, career and personal counseling.
The main computer labs are located in the Academic Technology Center (Building 30)
and the Higher Education Center (Building 29). Computers are available on a first-come,
first-served basis. Additionally, each quarter, students are provided with a credit
for printing and/or copying.
Cultural Learning Community Programs connects students and community members in order
to share the cultural and educational experiences. Umoja Black Scholars Program,
Promise Scholars and the new Juntos learning community.
The ITS Help Desk provides the first point of contact for faculty, staff, and students
needing assistance with technology.
The Highline College Library (Building 25 - 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors) is open (see
our schedule for in-person hours and dates).
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is the process for awarding credit for learning that
has taken place away from the college classroom. Credit can only be awarded for classes
offered by Highline College.
Links to technology tools for Highline students, including applications, tutorials,
discount programs, password recovery, and other student technology services.
Supplies and Information Resources to support you and your studies. Books and supplies
at Bookstore. Computer Labs and Highline Library support your learning.
Students from all paths come to Highline College. With such a big campus and many
students, it can be a bit overwhelming. Finding a group on campus that you can relate
to can give you a sense of belonging.
The Transition Success Center (TSC) is committed to supporting students from the English
Language, Career and Academic Prep (ELCAP) program, including ABE/ESOL/GED/JUMPSTART,
and High School Engagement & Academic Success (HSEAS) Programs.
The Veteran Services Team provides liaison support to navigate federal education benefits
with the College, Veterans Affairs (VA) and students.