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College 101

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College 101 2024-02-22T16:00:19+00:00

College 101: Strengthening Navigation Skills is a 3-credit course specifically designed to help you excel in your college experience here at Highline College.

You belong here! In this course, you’ll build connections with other students, faculty and staff, and get to know resources and degree pathways at the college.

During Your Time in College 101, You Will:

  • Develop a sense of belonging and community, and gain confidence in your ability to successfully navigate your college experience.
  • Explore the programs, degrees and certificates offered within our Degree Pathways.
  • Assess your skills and interests and see how those match up with potential careers.
  • Learn about the many support services and resources available to you as a Highline student.
  • Receive intensive advising from faculty and staff who care about your success.
  • Get practical, hands-on experience using Highline’s technology systems; ctcLink (student registration and information), Canvas (for classes) and our new Student Success platform (advising and support).
  • Learn the ins and outs of paying for college and the many funding options that are available.
  • Practice effective study, note-taking, time management strategies and library research skills.

Here’s What Students Are Saying After Taking College 101:

College 101 has helped me pick a major. Before, I was very much undecided on my major. With this class, it helped me focus on my strengths and how that might play into a career. After taking this class, I do feel like I have more of a direction in my college career.

College 101 has helped me in many different ways especially when it’s my first time enrolling in college and not exactly knowing what I want to further my education for. Some things that I have learned about are the different degrees that Highline offers. By the end of the quarter, I can already identify what degree/career I am interested in doing.

College 101 has enabled me to know more about Highline, especially when it comes to crucial things, such as financial aid and navigating Canvas. This information will be helpful to me as long as I’m a student at Highline and I feel that I’m now in a better position to help a friend if they needed my help with navigating some things at the college.

College 101 has been one of my favorite classes. I learned so much in this class. I have gotten closer to my career path and cleared up any confusion in the way. I was introduced to several resources that I will use not only in education but also personally. I had the chance to connect to many of my peers and see their viewpoints. I honestly enjoyed this class and will definitely recommend this to someone!

I think this class is the very first step for students to get into the college environment, so it is great for all of us to take at least once. I would recommend College 101 to my friends.

When and How College 101 is Offered

Visit the class schedule, select the quarter you are interested in from the Term menu (for example “WINTER 2024”). Then select “COL-College Studies” from the Subject menu. Then hit the Search button.

Who Should Take This Course?

If you’re new to college or have taken fewer than 30 credits, this course is for you! It’s especially helpful if you’re undecided about your degree and program options and wish to explore your options before declaring a program of study. College 101 is required for new students pursuing an AA-DTA (Direct Transfer) degree and is highly recommended for any student who is new or returning to college after a long break.

Who Does Not Need to Take This Course?

If you’re a student who’s transferring in with 30 or more credits, have already taken a college success course (here or elsewhere) or are here for prerequisite courses only and will not be pursuing a degree or certificate, College 101 is not required at this time. 

The College Success Course Appeal form should be filled out if a student should not or cannot take the college success course that is a required part of the AA-DTA degree. If the appeal is successful, the approved waiver will be noted in the student’s ctcLink record and visible in the College Success Requirement section of their AAR.

What is the Difference Between College 101 and STEM 101?

STEM 101 is equivalent to College 101 for AA-DTA students. If you are pursuing a degree in STEM or interested in exploring STEM options, you can take STEM 101 instead of College 101 to ensure you get the knowledge and skills unique to learning and succeeding in STEM.

Have Questions?

Contact advising@highline.edu if you have any questions about College 101.