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STEM 101

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STEM 101 2023-08-14T17:46:08+00:00

Why Take STEM 101?

Are you interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) degrees and careers?

Would you like to learn more about in-demand or unexpected career opportunities in STEM?

Do you want to master college success skills so that you can thrive in college and get a more enriching experience?

Then this course is for you! STEM 101 is a 3 credit college navigation and career exploration class.

  • Together, we will shatter stereotypes of what a person in STEM looks like and what people in STEM do.
  • We will explore a wide range of careers possible in STEM and how these connect to your strengths, values, interests and goals.
  • You will learn about different degree paths while building strategies for effective learning and college success.
  • If you are finding it hard to adjust to college after remote learning during the pandemic, we will do activities together to strengthen your study and time management skills.
  • Most importantly, we will have some fun and get to know each other!

What Will I Do in STEM 101?

The class is activity and active learning based. No lectures, exams or tests here! The goal is to connect to a like-minded community of peers and practice STEM skills. Each week there will be discussion, reflection and exploration assignments. The course will culminate in a ‘Wonder About the World’ final project where you will apply the scientific method to explore any question of your choice that you are curious about.

“At first, I was thinking that it would be just a regular class. But it has been wonderful. I wish I had this course at the beginning of my time at Highline. It should be mandatory. Every week we do something different and interesting. Every week you learn new things. When my son goes to Highline, I am going to tell him to take it in his first quarter. It’s good, it’s really good.” – STEM 101 student

learn more about stem degree pathways at highline

What is the Difference Between STEM 101 and College 101?

STEM 101 is equivalent to College 101 for AA-DTA students. If you are pursuing a degree in STEM or interested in exploring STEM options, you can take STEM 101 instead of College 101 to ensure you get the knowledge and skills unique to learning and succeeding in STEM.

When is STEM 101 Offered?

Visit the class schedule, select the quarter you are interested in from the Term menu (for example “FALL 2023”). Then type in “STEM” in the Subject search box and hit the Search button. When you’re ready to enroll, sign into ctcLink and search for “STEM – College Success” in the “Class Search and Enroll” section from the “Manage Classes” tile.

Have Questions?

Contact Dr. Aleya Dhanji if you have any questions about STEM 101.