Welcome to The Weekly Wag, your home for quick news and updates on the ctcLink project.
Congratulations, Leslea Berg and Megan Marchand!
This week’s Golden Paw Award winners are Leslea Berg and Megan Marchand. Through their extraordinary efforts, Highline is making great strides in our collective journey to ctcLink. Read about their accomplishments on the Paws Up page.
Highline’s Subject Matter Experts Busy With User Acceptance Testing
On October 26, Highline’s subject matter experts (SMEs) began user acceptance testing (UAT) with other Deployment Group 4 colleges. UAT is a process to confirm the system meets mutually agreed upon requirements. SMEs provide confirmation after reviewing data in ctcLink compared to the legacy system. This UAT phase is the first of two and will last until November 20. Read more on the State Board’s ctcLink Connect blog.
To see a list of our hard-working SMEs, see the Team Members page. (And email Delta Dog if your name is missing.)
Congratulations, Thuy Nguyen!
Thuy Nguyen won with ctcLink training. She completed the 9.2 PeopleSoft Fundamentals course and was randomly selected to win a $25 gift card to Amazon. Do you want to be the next winner? See “Delta Dog Offers Tips for Tackling Training” to learn how. The next drawing will be November 13.
Fun fact: Highline employees have attempted more than 2,300 courses as of October 26. (Many have been completed, while others are still underway.) Woof to you!
Searching for a Song
Delta Dog wants her own theme song. Thanks to you, song suggestions have been streaming in. Here are two: “Time to Move On” (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) and “The Times They Are A-Changin’” (Bob Dylan). Do you have others? Send your ideas to Delta Dog.
What Did Tim Wrye Eat for Lunch?
Lucky for Tim that we hold Lunch and Learn with Delta Dog on Zoom, otherwise Delta Dog surely would have woofed down his jalapeño burger. Join us November 6 at noon for our next weekly chat and chew. You’ll hear from project manager Pat Daniels and see what Tim brings in his lunch sack this week.
Mark Your Calendars
Join Delta Dog and friends at the next campuswide Town Hall on November 17 at 2:30 p.m. Among the topics will be ctcLink. You’ll hear the latest on the project and learn how you can prepare for the February 8 go-live date. Delta Dog looks forward to sharing the virtual stage with President Mosby and several ctcLink project team members, including Tim Wrye and Pat Daniels. Look for details in a future issue of The Weekly Wag.
Countdown Calendar
The clock is ticking. Just 58 working days until Highline goes live with ctcLink on February 8, 2021.
Get Social
Delta Dog feels at home in the virtual world. Join her there on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Word of the Week
While you learn and work with ctcLink and its software, PeopleSoft, you’ll come across many words and terms. To help you learn the lingo, here’s this week’s word (find others on the Terminology page):
Time Period
Configuration area that defines days, weeks and months for the system so that calendars can be built.
Ask Delta Dog
Who is this blue dog? Learn why Delta Dog is our trusty companion on the journey to ctcLink.
If you have questions about ctcLink, ask Delta Dog.
You can also view the Frequently Asked Questions page.
For information about the statewide ctcLink project, visit the SBCTC ctcLink page and read the blog, ctcLink Connect.