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The Weekly Wag, Issue #1

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2020-09-28T14:00:42+00:00 September 23, 2020|ctcLink News, The Weekly Wag|
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The Weekly Wag, Issue #1

Delta DogWelcome to the debut issue of The Weekly Wag. Each week you’ll find quick news and updates on the ctcLink project.

Opening Week Welcome

Thanks to President Mosby for highlighting the ctcLink project in his Opening Day remarks on Tuesday. If you missed it, read “Delta Dog Attends Virtual Opening Week Welcome Day Program.”

Activities and Events

Beginning Oct. 2, join us each Friday at noon for Lunch and Learn with Delta Dog. You’ll hear from special guests, including project manager Pat Daniels and other ctcLink team members. Bring your questions and your lunch.

Word of the Week

While “woof” is my favorite word, there are many other fun words that are part of the ctcLink vocabulary. Here’s this week’s word (find others on the Terminology page):

Delta DogctcLink: ctcLink is the name for the PeopleSoft enterprise resource planning (ERP) project for Washington’s community and technical college system. The “ctc” stands for “community and technical colleges.” ctcLink will replace our aging legacy systems, such as the current Financial Management System (FMS), Student Management System (SMS) and Payroll/Personnel Management System (PPMS). It will be used by all 34 of Washington’s community and technical colleges.

Countdown Calendar

The clock is ticking. Just 92 working days until Highline goes live with ctcLink on February 8, 2021.

Win With ctcLink Training

All employees will need to know the basics of ctcLink. Everyone will use the new system to submit timesheets, request and report leave, and manage personal information. What can you do to prepare? Take the self-paced training courses. Go to the Training page for directions. If you’re confused about which courses are right for you, talk to your supervisor or email Delta Dog. And see the Sept. 14 blog post, “Delta Dog Offers Tips for Tackling Training,” to learn how you can win a $25 Amazon gift card.

Ask Delta Dog

Delta DogWho is this blue dog? Learn why Delta Dog is our trusty companion on the journey to ctcLink.

If you have questions about ctcLink, ask Delta Dog.

You can also view the Frequently Asked Questions page.

For information about the statewide ctcLink project, visit the SBCTC ctcLink page and read the blog, ctcLink Connect.