Dear Highline College community,
I am devastated by the violence today by domestic terrorists at our nation’s Capitol. This was an assault on a free and fair election process and the peaceful transition of power that is foundational to our democracy. These horrific events and symbols being displayed are deeply disturbing and I know many of you are hurting right now.
At Highline College, we are a community that cares and supports one another in difficult times, even when different views are expressed or believed. We are a community that does not respond violently, but instead we hold conversations and respect our fellow community members. The events today showcase a long road ahead for our country to acknowledge this pain and critical moment. It’s imperative to share and express our grief at the tragic events occurring and together affirm the values of respect, community and common good we espouse.
Although this day has been filled with tragedy, I’m still hopeful despite the sadness. I’ll be honest, I’ve spent most of the day sick to my stomach watching these events unfold. I think about our wonderful staff and faculty –– how you continue to serve our students in the classroom and through our programs and services –– all in spite of the continued challenges we’ve experienced the past 10 months. I constantly think about our students and the complex, numerous, difficult challenges they have in just trying to simply go to school. All this work is the cornerstone to democracy. And while today it seems like this is being threatened, we won’t allow this to happen. Our communities will survive and become stronger as a result.
“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” –– Maya Angelou
Please be safe and know, through this pain, we will rise.
John R. Mosby, Ph.D.