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JD Jenkins and Laura Garcia

Home/About Us/Student Profiles/JD Jenkins and Laura Garcia
JD Jenkins and Laura Garcia 2018-03-05T12:04:18+00:00

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Meet two inspiring students, JD and Laura

Full time parents and full time students.

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Both JD and Laura were searching for practical degrees that offered them opportunities for jobs immediately after graduation. JD graduated Highline College with his AA and is continuing his education at Highline pursing a four-year degree and continuing to grow the relationships he cultivated with his professors. Laura Garcia decided to return to school after finding herself struggling to make ends meet. She plans on graduating this June and becoming a licensed registered respiratory therapist.

Highline College is here to help you reach your dreams and find your place in the world. You can do it, Highline College can help. Learn more below.

“To interact with people from other countries, other cultures, is something that’s going to enrich your life profoundly. I love how diverse Highline is.”

-JD Jenkins

Learn More about JD →

“Highline is setting me up very well to actually go out in the field and work. Just talking to people who graduated last June before me they’re all working. They’re all working in the very same hospitals I’m volunteering at right now.”

-Laura Garcia