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Delta Dog Introduces 3 SMEs

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2020-01-08T07:04:07+00:00 December 6, 2019|ctcLink News|
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Delta Dog Introduces 3 SMEs

Alyssa Thompson, Quynh Mihara and Jennifer Scanlon are three of Highline’s SMEs (pronounced “smees”), short for subject matter experts. Dozens of SMEs have been hard at work preparing for Highline’s transition to the new ctcLink software system, scheduled for February 2021.

 Alyssa Thompson, Quynh Mihara and Jennifer Scanlon at BPFG session

Three of Highline’s subject matter experts attend Business Process Fit Gap (BPFG) sessions in Olympia, Dec. 2–3, 2019. At left, Alyssa Thompson, program coordinator, Admissions; Quynh Mihara, director, Enrollment Services; and Jennifer Scanlon, dean, Advising and Enrollment Services.

SMEs like Alyssa, Quynh and Jennifer are experts in various areas of college business. They represent Highline at ctcLink sessions and meetings, learning how ctcLink supports our college business processes.

On Dec. 2 and 3, Alyssa, Quynh and Jennifer attended Business Process Fit Gap (BPFG) sessions at the State Board headquarters in Olympia as part of the Implementation phase of ctcLink.

The two days focused on general admissions and recruiting and covered test scores, special admissions, events and prospect tracking.

Delta Dog In general, the BPFG sessions give SMEs the chance to gather local ctcLink configuration information for all of us here at Highline. The sessions will help SMEs understand Highline’s processes and the ctcLink configurations associated with them as well as highlight differences between ctcLink and our existing legacy software systems (e.g., SMS, PPMS).

Do you have questions about ctcLink? Ask Delta Dog.